Satluj Public School Ellanabad

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Admission Form 2024-25
Last Date For Admission 31-January 2025

How To Prepare A Child For Hostel

To prepare a child to live in the hostel, parents themselves should be convinced that their decision is right. If they are feeling guilty about sending the child away, all their arguments to persuade their offspring will hollow to the child.

  • The child should be consulted before a decision is made to send him to the hostel . Give the child sufficient time to understand why he is going to a hostel.
  • The child should be made to realize that the move is for his and not the parent’s benefit.
  • The move to send the child to a hostel must not be interpreted by him as punishment, otherwise he will begin  to hate and dread the hostel even before he joins it.
  • Give examples to the child about positive learning experience, all that a child can gain from the hostel environment. Tell him you want him to learn more besides studies.
  • Any family friend or a relative to whom the child is close to can also be roped in to talk to the child and dispel his fears. He must be made to realize that the lonely moments will pass away and that he will come back to his parents, who love him dearly.
  • If the child has any problem don’t hesitate to bring to the notice of the school authorities.
    • Parents should not panic on hearing from the school, regarding the illness of their child but make it convenient to reach the school or hospital immediately.